вторник, 7 февраля 2017 г.

The Perfect DIY Cozy Upcycled Sweater slippers - The Perfect DIY

The Perfect DIY Cozy Upcycled Sweater slippers - The Perfect DIY

The Perfect DIY Cozy Upcycled Sweater slippers - The Perfect DIY

The Perfect DIY Cozy Upcycled Sweater slippers - The Perfect DIY These cozy slippers made from an old sweater ,it’s a fun, gratifying and pretty quick project , try it...

Original article and pictures take http://theperfectdiy.com/the-perfect-diy-cozy-upcycled-sweater-slippers/ site

1 комментарий:

  1. Сшила тапотули из старого свалявшегося теплого полувера. Отлично. Спасибо за идею.
